Eric Clapton's Platinum Patek Philippe
37.5MM 1987 Reference 2499/100
Sells for $3.6 Million At Christie's Auction
This is a photo of Eric Clapton's Platinum Patek Philippe Reference 2499 which sold recently at a Christies auction for $3.6 Million. This sets a new world record for the Patek Philippe Reference 2499, which Patek Philippe made for 35 years beginning in 1951.
The Reference 2499 is rare as Patek Philippe only made 349 of this watch mode, which averages about 10 per year. There are only two know Platinum versions of this reference, and the other one is in the Patek Philippe museum, making this one the only one in the world in private hands!!!
Eric Clapton is a huge watch/fanatic/collector and he is pictured below wearing his Patek Philippe Reference 5970, which is the son of the Reference 2499 that he just auctioned.